권오정 詩/詩 원문

12, 사랑은 그대에게

권운영 2017. 5. 16. 07:19

사랑은 그대에게 

雲影 권오정



방울 이슬 처럼 왔나요

밤새 꽃잎처럼 왔나요


향긋한 꽃향기로 왔나요

꽃나비 사뿐한 나래로 왔나요


살랑이는 잎새처럼 왔나요

하롱하롱 내리는 연분홍 꽃이었나요


불고 바람처럼

소리 없이 왔다가 사라졌나요. 




Love you.

雲影 Kwon oh jeong


Did it like a drop of dew

Petals and blooms during the night?


I brought you here with the scent of sweet.

Did it with a Narae flower the butterfly sappunha


Did it like a leaf sallangi

Was it a pale pink flower make flippantly


Like the wind for,

Didyou came quietly disappeared.


'권오정 詩 > 詩 원문' 카테고리의 다른 글

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